About Me

My photo
I've been an artist my whole life, I've only just recently started practicing my art with any regularity. What I mean to say is, raising children and being a single mom kept me from uncovered a talent I always suspected was there... lying dormant. I love to be creative in so many ways outside of my studio space too - cooking, writing, decorating, designing, making jewelry... the list is seemingly endless. I have a big heart and a generous spirit. My family is the center of my universe and I love a big thunderstorm. This world is an amazing place and I want to take as much of it in that I can - sights, smells, views and tastes.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

My artful life ...

I've always been a creative type.  Ever since I can remember, I've enjoyed home decor, craft projects and my favorite way to spend a weekend often included my hobby of the moment.  I started with cross-stitching when I was a teen and then about a dozen or so year ago I really got into scrap-booking.  I fell in love with paper and I began a flurry of hand made scrapbooks as gifts and documenting my own children's adventures and growth.  Photography was always a part of that.  Take pictures - make a scrapbook!  What a perfect fit. 

Recently I've delved into the fine arts world.  I am a student and while I've not been taught formally, I have taken a bunch of e-classes which give me an excellent way to practice and have fun at the same time.  And I'll confess that I'm an art supply junkie!  Combine that with a willingness to try anything any everything... and ... well.... I'm an equal opportunity artist with a studio (read: the house) overflowing with art supplies.  From charcoal and pastels to encaustic wax.  I've tried as many mediums as I can and I must say I don't hate any of them.  That might sound weird, but there are people who can't stand oil paints or don't get watercolors.  Well ... I love them all!!

Recently my brother said to me, "Since when are you an artist? When did that happen exactly?"  And his question amused me.  I'm not sure there is a correct answer to that except to say that I probably always was an artist ... it just lay dormant for a long time.  I used to struggle with that label "artist" but I've grown to love it and I wear it with pride. 

This blog will be about all of my art - Photography, Mixed Media, Watercolor, Oil, Paper (my addiction continues) and I hope you enjoy this journey with me.  Some of my art comes out exactly how I hoped it would in my minds eye.  And some of my art comes out wonky.  And once in awhile it comes out way better than I could have ever hoped!  Part of the fun is waiting to see what will emerge from the paper... canvas... cradle board.  I want to share all of that - the good, the wonky and the gorgeous. 

Make something everyday!